100 Inner and Side Finger Tattoos [2024 Designs]
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A finger tattoo for the ones who are looking for something sweet, sexy, and adorable. Not to mention, a finger tattoo is a nicest way to express one’s own self. Finger tattoos are a miniature artwork that can be placed either on top of your finger, or hidden in between your two fingers. Finger tattoos are highly versatile and are wonderful ways to have an unconventional body art.
However, before you plan to get a finger tattoo, it is essential that you know that finger tattoos tend to fade away eventually. Besides, they also present many other challenges for the wearer.
Why Finger Tattoos
Because of their size and cute looks, finger tattoos are gaining popularity these days. When it comes to tattoos, in most case than often, people prefer to get small finger tattoos. However, finger tattoos make for a meaningful and quirky tattoo designs. Even celebrities these days prefer to get small sized tattoos, including finger tattoos.
Facts about Finger Tattoos
First things first, of course finger tattoos looks cute. But the fact remains they do hurt a lot at the same time. And the reason for that is – your digits are filled with plenty of nerves, plus the skin on your finger is always thin, it is placed right on top of the bone and the knuckle. And, there’s no fat as such on our fingers that can prevent one from pain when the needle enters the finger. In fact, finger tattoos tend to hurt more in comparison to tattoos on other locations. If you are really looking for some pain-LESS art work on your body, then finger tattoos is not for you.
But the best thing about a finger tattoo is – they are a sign of commitment, and love, and can even be used as a way to send out an important message to the world around them.
Finger tattoos eventually fade away because the skin on our hands is thick though but there is no fat in there. Also, the skin on our fingers responds differently to tattoo ink, in comparison to the other body parts. In addition, hands are the most active parts of our body – they are used quite often to touch, wash, eat, etc.
People working in departments or industry where having a tattoo is not considered a good sign can’t have finger tattoo. And the ones who are planning to get a finger tattoo should know in advance that, you can’t hide your finger tattoo that can affect getting a job in the future.
Tips to maintain a Finger Tattoo
First things first, keep your hands clean and dry while getting a finger tattoo. Do not over exfoliate, because if you do so, the ink on the area will eventually leave, and you will end up having a blotchy and faded tattoo on your finger. A hand tattoo, especially the ones inside the finger, is going to hurt much worse than plenty of other areas. Too much moisture can push the ink right out during the healing process.
Whatever, finger tattoos look stunning and gorgeous, and if you are really looking for some quirky tattoo, then here are some best finger tattoo designs for you:
Keep reading…….
1. A diamond finger tattoo
Diamond makes for really wonderful tattoo designs, no matter placed on which part of the body. A small diamond on the inside of your finger or on the knuckle will look cute and enchanting as well.
2. A feather finger tattoo
Believe it or not, feather tattoos look cute. If you’re looking to mesmerize people with your tattoo then get a feather in white on your finger.
3. A sword finger tattoo
Looking for a unique finger tattoo option? Have you ever imagined having a sword on your body? Sword tattoos look stunning and are especially for those who want to display valor and strength.
4. ‘Luck’ finger tattoo
Get ‘LUCK etched on your finger, one letter each finger. An amazing finger tattoo idea in 2022. If you want you can get etched GOOD on another finger. Super cute, believe you me!
5. A name finger tattoo
If you have someone special in your life and you just want to display your love and compassion for the person, you can opt for a name finger tattoo. They look stunning, and are a perfect way to show your love to the person.
6. Delicate “Promise” Script on Ring Finger
A subtle script on the ring finger, “Promise,” whispers commitment. Its delicate strokes embody enduring vows, a testament to the power of simplicity in love’s proclamation.
7. A heart
Heart tattoos are adorable no matter placed where on the body. But a heart tattoo on your finger will look gorgeous. And yeah, get your heart etched on your finger in red ink.
See more: Heart Tattoo Designs
8. A ring bond finger tattoo
Ring bands are cute and adorable. Get a thin line encircling your finger or maybe two lines together. One for your partner and one for yourself. Beautiful finger tattoo for the ones who are looking for some simple tattoo design.
9. A cross finger tattoo
For the ones who want to display their faith and love for God. Cross tattoos make for really great tattoo designs. If you’re looking for some simple design, then get this one!
10. A letter finger tattoo
Do you have some specific letter that you would want to etch on your body, then get it etched on your finger! Trust me, it’s going to make for an elegant tattoo design.
11. A gothic revival architecture tattoo
Gothic Revival is an architectural movement which is popular in the Western world. The movement began in the late 1740s in England. This form of architecture, makes for the loveliest architectural tattoo designs on your finger.
12. Red Infinity on Finger
In red ink, an infinity symbol encapsulates the word “Promise” on the finger. Eternal loops echo everlasting commitment, a timeless pledge in a single design.
13. Lips finger tattoos
A small lips tattoo designs are a convenient way of expressing a sweet message of love, sensuality, romance, and even conceit. A beautiful finger tattoo.
14. A phrase finger tattoos
Get a phrase ‘Tale as old as time’, which means timeless on your index finger etched. Phrases make for really beautiful ambigram tattoos.
15. A cup finger tattoo
An outside the box tattoo design. Just imagine a cute cup etched on your finger. Especially for the tea or coffee lovers. Amazing way to flaunt your love for these hot beverages!
16. An airplane
See: 80 Travel Tattoo Designs and Stamp Tattoo from Around the World
17. A rose finger tattoos
Though, very much girlish but make for a wonderful tattoo design. Get a rose inked on your finger in red color. It will surely be an eye-catching tattoo.
18. Delicate Red Rosebud on Ring Finger
A red rosebud delicately cradles the word “Promise” on the ring finger. Symbolizing budding love, this design captures the essence of promises blooming into a beautiful journey.
19. A love finger tattoo
Simple yet beautiful tattoo design! Get love etched on the inside of your finger in black ink and running font. Especially for the ones who believe in love and are ready to face any challenge that life throws on their way to love.
20. A skull finger tattoo
Skulls do make for a quirky tattoo, if you want something unique then this is for you. Get a skull etched on the knuckle of your finger.
21. Crown Tattoo
Get a crown etched on your finger, if you’re looking for some quirky tattoo design. You will be amazed to see people’s reaction after that.
22. A peace symbol finger tattoo
Believe it or not, symbols make for a perfect tattoo design. The best thing is that there are many symbols to choose from, and one amongst them is peace symbol. Get it etched on your finger and let the world know that you’re a peace bearer.
23. The winked eye finger tattoo
An amazing way to surprise your friends with your winked eye finger tattoo. You can place this winking eye tattoo underneath your pointy finger, it will definitely make for an eye-catching tattoo.
24. A Lotus flower finger tattoo
Beautiful lotus make for a cute finger tattoo design. Get one etched on your finger and amaze people with your sober design.
25. Interlocking Puzzle Pieces on Pinky
Interlocking puzzle pieces form the word “Promise” on the pinky, representing two lives seamlessly fitting together. This design symbolizes the harmony found in mutual commitments.
26. Zodiac tattoos
What’s your zodiac sign??? If you’re still not able to find anything specific for yourself then a zodiac sign is a perfect finger tattoo design.
27. Anarchy symbol finger tattoo
The Anarchist Symbol tattoo for your pointed finger and to show your support for anti-globalization movement. The A places within the circle, will make for a great finger tattoo.
28. A cute camera finger tattoo
Everyone loves taking pictures! Who doesn’t? Whether used personally for capturing memories or used professionally for art, a camera is definitely a must-have for anyone! But they are expensive depending on the model, so why not to have a cute little camera tattooed on your finger? It will not go unnoticed for sure.
29. A beautiful guitar finger tattoo
For all the guitarist, a nicest way to flaunt your love for the instrument. In most cases than not, people are passionate about music prefer to go for some such designs. A guitar will surely make for a wonderful tattoo design.
30. A music symbol finger tattoos
Get a music symbol or all the symbols on your fingers tattooed. Music symbols make for a cute tattoo design. Trust me!
31. Red Ribbon Bow on Pinky
A red ribbon bow gracefully tied around the pinky emphasizes the gift of commitment. This simple yet charming design symbolizes love bestowed with care and attention.
32. A pirate’s call finger tattoo
If planning to traverse across the seven seas! Then have a compass on the left and a ship’s wheel on the right. A beautiful way to have the spirit and soul of a pirate and flaunt it to everyone.
33. The darling word finger tattoo
Word darling for your darling etched on your finger. Especially when you love calling each other “darling” more than anything? Then this is the tattoo for you to get. It is more than enough to be a standalone design for your finger.
34. A quote finger tattoo
Though there are many quotes, but you choose the one which you think represent you the best. You can get a quote on your finger done in italics or in running font. It will look gorgeous there. Also, you can choose a quote in any other language as well.
35. A pineapple finger tattoo
Don this fruit with spiky top and criss cross bottom on your finger. And believe you me, it is going to make for a perfect tiny tattoo on your finger. Get it colored or in black.
36. Heart-Shaped Lock on Ring Finger
A heart-shaped lock with the word “Promise” on the ring finger symbolizes love as the key. This design captures the essence of unlocking profound commitments with shared vows.
37. A sun finger tattoo
Get a sun tattoo etched on the inside of your finger. A cute little sun there will look gorgeous.
38. An alien crop circle finger tattoo
If you’re curious about UFOs and extraterrestrials. An intricate design with 6 dots interlinked with curved lines will make for an eye-catching tattoo.
39. A broken heart finger tattoos
Not necessarily for ones who have broken heart, in fact it looks cute. So, you can have it or if you want to send some message to the one who broke your heart, then this is of course the best way to speak your heart out!
40. A half of the heart finger tattoo
Purely a couple tattoos. As the name says it all, you will one half of the heart on your finger and the other half will be etched on your partner’s finger. A beautiful tattoo design for the ones who are in love and do not hesitate to show. Whenever you will hold each other’s hand the tattoo will be complete heart.
41. A space finger tattoo
An incredible tattoo design that has cool space imagery. You can get anything from a rocket ship to the planet Saturn on your finger and flaunt it to your loved ones.
Also See: Wedding Ring Tattoo Ideas
42. Three miniature stars finger tattoos
Stars really make for cute tattoo designs. You can also get three cute miniature stars on the inside of your finger. Get either same sized stars or may be in different sizes.
43. Watercolor Heart Splatter Any Finger
A vibrant red watercolor heart splatter encases the word “Promise” on any finger. This artistic design embodies the passionate and colorful nature of heartfelt commitments.
44. Four lines finger tattoo
Simple yet beautiful tattoo design for your finger. Get four lines encircling your finger, this will appear as if you are wearing a permanent ring. The choice of finger is of course yours, If you want a permanent wedding ring then a ring finger will do!
45. A starry night finger tattoos
The night sky is extravagant, especially when you are fond of night sky. A quarter moon pleasantly hanging on the fingertips and a star on the other along with the rings and an asteroid belt it will make for a wonderful tattoo.
46. A quarter moon finger tattoo
A quarter moon not only looks beautiful in the sky, but also it looks beautiful when etched cutely on your finger. Try this one, a gorgeous tattoo for ones looking for some simple tattoo design.
47. A cupcake finger tattoos
Believe it or not, even come eatables especially your favorite ones make for beautiful tattoo designs. Get a delicious pink strawberry cream cupcake etched on your finger, an outside the box tattoo design… trust me!
48. ॐ finger tattoo
ॐ is the universal mantra. It is the most hallowed syllable symbol and sacred mantra of Brahma, the Almighty God in Hinduism. It is a common symbol, found in the primordial texts of Hinduism. If you want to get something from sacred texts of Hindus, then this one is perfect.
See more: 50 Latest Om Tattoo Designs And Their Powerful Meaning
49. A heart stretched with a line finger tattoo
A delicate tattoo design though …! This tattoo will have a heart with a line stretching from the endpoint of heart and at a little distance the line will break and will have a small gap. This design looks really cool.
50. Abstract Red Wave on Finger
An abstract red waveforms the word “Promise” on the finger, depicting the dynamic and fluid nature of love’s commitments. This design rides the waves of a steadfast promise.
51. Morse Code with Heart-Shaped Dot on Ring Finger
In Morse code with a heart-shaped dot, the word “Promise” is discreetly etched on the ring finger. This design adds an element of mystery and personalized symbolism.
52. A skyline tattoo
A line of skyscrapers in the night is amongst magnificent sights to be seen, and having the same sight etched on your finger will make for a great tattoo design. For the ones who live far away from their cities.
53. A wedding ring finger tattoo
For the ones who want to get a permanent wedding ring on their finger…. A lovely tattoo design. Be creative to get an enchanting ring etched on your finger.
54. A smiley face finger tattoo
More often than not, a smiley face is used in messenger chats or SMS messages. But now you can express your happiness to others by having it etched on your finger. It will look gorgeous.
55. Stars finger tattoos
You will surely love this one! Simple yet elegant tattoo design. If you are looking for some outside the box tattoo design then have a finger filled with stars.
See more: Star Tattoo ⭐ Designs With Meaning
56. Small shape finger tattoos
A very basic yet very popular finger tattoo design. The design is almost akin to things Native Americans would draw, and modern tattoo connoisseur find these shapes very attractive and enchanting.
57. A crescent moon finger tattoo
Pure, simple, and elegant tattoo design. This is for those looking for a tattoo from nature or for the ones who have a special fascination with the moon. A cool finger tattoo design.
58. Intertwined Initials Forming Heart on Ring Finger
Intertwined initials form a heart with the word “Promise” on the ring finger. This personalized design captures the union of two souls in a visually elegant manner.
59. An elephant finger tattoos
Undoubtedly a cure tattoo design. A small and simple representation of an elephant on your finger will look mesmerizing.
Related: 40 Most Beautiful And Meaningful Elephant Tattoo Ideas
60. A musical note finger tattoo
Musical symbols from the G Clef, Bass Clef, Quarter Notes, to a 16th note can be etched on the knuckles. The musical note finger tattoos alone can spark anyone’s inspiration for music! A lovely finger tattoo design.
See More: Music Tattoo Designs
61. An owl finger tattoo
Another cool tattoo design is this – the owl symbolizes wisdom, hope, charity, and is a bridge to other worlds. If you also possess all that traits, get an owl etched on your finger.
62. A rose wreath skull finger tattoo
Of course, a spooky design loaded with cuteness and delicacy. A wreath of roses placed on the head of the skull will give it a feminine vibe. And the grin of the skull makes it look like the skull itself is proud of its look. An outside the box finger tattoo design, if you’re looking for something like that…then go for it!
63. An ancient symbol finger tattoos
Tattoos of ancient symbols are very famous. Anything from the all-seeing eye to different kinds of symbolic triangles make for a beautiful tattoo design.
64. An angel finger tattoos
An angel on your finger will look beautiful and stunning. You may find this design very common but trust, angels are girls’ most favorite tattoo designs. They never lose their charm, come what may.
65. A wolf finger tattoo
The wolf make for a beautiful animal tattoo design on your finger. The wolf is a majestic animal that symbolizes loyalty. A beautiful design to consider for your finger.
66. A cat finger tattoo
A great finger tattoo idea for cat lovers. If you love your cat a lot and want to show your love for your pet. Get this one.
67. Crosses with jewels finger tattoos
Beautiful and elegant jewels along with a mix of crosses look stunning. If you are looking for an outside the box tattoo, then get this one.
68. Fingerprint Heart on Any Finger
A fingerprint heart with the word “Promise” on any finger symbolizes a unique and personal commitment. This design portrays the distinct and irreplaceable nature of shared vows.
69. An arrow finger tattoo
Arrow not only makes for cute tattoo designs, but also bold designs. It has never been important to be an archer to get an Arrow tattoo. You can get arrow otherwise also.
70. A roman numeral finger tattoo
If you have some lucky number, which you want to get inked on your body… go for it. Roman number look really cool when tattooed on the inside of your finger. They really make cute tiny tattoo designs. Roman numbers stand for grace, elegance and boldness.
71. A pencil finger tattoo
Yeah, don’t be shocked! You can even get a pencil tattooed on your finger. And it will make for a unique and an enchanting tattoo design.
72. Three dots finger tattoos
Another outside the box finger tattoo design is this. Having only three dots behind on the inside of your finger will look mesmerizing and will make for an eye catching tattoo.
73. An abstract flower finger tattoo
An abstract flower with elegant shading, will make for a fascinating finger tattoo design. A great tattoo idea for people looking for a unique tattoo.
74. Rose Stem Wrapping Around Finger
A red rose stem wraps around the finger, cradling the word “Promise.” This design embodies lasting love, with each thorn symbolizing challenges overcome together.
75. A leaf finger tattoos
A sexy tattoo design. If you are also looking for something sexy then this one’s for you. A small leaf with shades will make for a perfect tattoo design on your finger.
Also See: Floral Tattoo Designs for Girls
76. The card symbols finger tattoo
If you are really inspired by card symbols, then let me tell you they make for perfect finger tattoos. You can wear anything from a King of Hearts to a Queen of spade on your fingers. You’ll never regret your beautiful tattoo design.
77. Directions finger tattoo
The perfect tattoo design for someone who is looking for his/her first design. These lines can be anything one wants them to be.
78. A peacock feather finger tattoo
Peacock feathers were used as pen in earlier days, but today they can make for home décor to a body art. Get an elegant peacock tattoo etched on your finger. It looks mesmerizing.
79. A tribal finger tattoo
A beautiful finger tattoo design. A tribal finger tattoo represents various things such as, the delicately designed eye in the tattoo depicts awareness, and the moon symbolizes femininity and womanhood.
80. Red Diamond Knot on Ring Finger
A red diamond-shaped knot with the word “Promise” on the ring finger symbolizes a strong and unbreakable commitment. This design radiates enduring strength and stability.
81. A lord Ganesha finger tattoo
Also called elephant God finger tattoo looks cute and stunning. Lord Ganesha stands for wisdom and wit and presents luck to the wearer. In Indian culture idols of Lord Ganesha are often gifted as a sign of good fortune. If you also want to have good fortune with you always, get this tattoo.
82. A prayer beads finger tattoos
A rosary or a prayer beads can also be tattooed on your finger. A perfect way to show your faith, hope, belief, and devotion.
83. Happiness finger tattoos
Get word etched on the inside of your finger. A loveliest tattoo design for one and all. Simple way to show joy and cheerfulness. So if you’re amongst those who enjoy every moment of their lives, get this one!
84. A Pisces fish finger tattoos
Pisces fish looks really very cute! Get a Pisces fish etched on your finger, a wonderful way to show your love for the little creature.
85. Celestial Symbols Forming Heart on Finger
Celestial symbols forming a heart with the word “Promise” on the finger denote cosmic promises. This design signifies a love that transcends earthly boundaries.
86. “I AM” finger tattoo
This small tattoo design looks really gorgeous! Phrase I AM is Hebrew phrase which means “I am everything #positive #happy #healthy #inspired #driven #unique #blessed #alive and everything where I need to be.”
87. A strawberry finger tattoo
Purely girly tattoo though, but it looks stunning! If you’re seriously looking for some outside the box tattoo, then get a strawberry etched on your finger in red and green.
88. Double heart finger tattoo
Double heart finger tattoo looks stunning. A beautiful symbol of love! Get it in black or red ink.
89. A pine tree finger tattoos
Pine trees are very popular as Christmas trees though, but they make for a perfect small finger tattoo design as well.
90. A sunflower finger tattoo
A beautiful sunflower tattoo etched on your finger, just imagine!! The feeling itself is wonderful. Best for those who love nature and want to show their love for nature.
91. Red Ribbon Tied in Bow Around Finger
A red ribbon tied in a bow around finger, with the word “Promise,” signifies a promise kept. This design symbolizes the beauty of maintaining commitments with care.
92. ‘WANDERLUST’ finger tattoo
For all the passionate travelers. Get a ‘WANDERLUST’ inked on your finger and flaunt your love for adventure, wilderness, and the world.
93. Heartbeats finger tattoos
A heartbeat tattoo will make for an eye-catching tattoo on your finger.
94. A silhouette finger tattoo
A beautiful finger tattoo for one and all. A delicate silhouette of the bird, the creature that represents freedom. A cute tattoo for your fingers.
95. An infinity finger tattoo
The infinity tattoo simply symbolizes ‘forever’ and can stand for multiple purposes, from an unending love to a cherished friendship. It typically represents a deep bond that you feel will never be broken. A beautiful finger tattoo for women.
96. Abstract Red Heartbeat
An abstract red heartbeat line with the word “Promise” on the ring finger represents a vibrant promise. This design captures the rhythmic and dynamic nature of enduring commitment.
97. ‘FEARLESS’ finger tattoos
A fearless finger tattoos for those who are brave hearted. You can either get the word etched together on one finger or all the letters etched on each knuckle making a complete word when making fist of both hands.
Thanks for reading!!
Happy Tattooing….. ☺ ☺
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