20 Creative Game of Thrones Tattoos Ideas
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“Game of Thrones” It is not just a TV show that is watched by millions of fans. It is a sensation that has gained the attention by millions from worldwide and these people express their love by doing Game of Thrones tattoos.
Each of these tattoos hold a deep meaning and a personal importance. Every tattoo of this TV show has a story behind it such as showing love, loyalty, power, and tribute to their beloved character.
If you love minimalist tattoos or sleeves tattoos which are dedicated to the Seven Kingdoms then there is a design that speaks to every fan.
If you are a fan of Game of thrones then this guide is perfect for you as we have collected all the best game of thrones tattoo ideas that every fan will love.
Meaning of Game of Thrones Tattoos
The tattoos of Game of Thrones symbolize power, loyalty and desire to freedom. For many people these tattoos resemble their favorite character or houses, and for others they carry a deeper meaning such as honor and a war between good and evil.
Even if it is a small tattoo of Iron Throne or a large detailed Game of Thrones tattoo sleeve, these tattoos help their fans carry a piece of Westeros with them.
Some of the fans also choose to get a tattoos of darker elements from the series, such as Night king or White Walker, they represent mystery and the battle between evil and god.
Best Game of Thrones Tattoo Ideas
1. House Stark Dire wolf Tattoo
If you’re a die-hard fan of House Stark, your loyalty could be shown off even more by having their dire wolf inked on your skin. The tattoos used in this particular game of thrones design represent strength and bravery that should characterize people who value family honor above anything else.

2. Targaryen Dragon Tattoo
Dragons belonging to House Targaryen are strong embodiments of fire as well as blood. Thus, one can have different sizes of game of thrones dragon tattoos to show love towards Daenerys Targaryen along with her ferocity.

3. The Iron Throne Tattoo
Power, ambition and the ultimate goal on Westeros’ soil are represented by the Iron throne. A game of thrones tattoo small version of Iron throne is also a subtle yet meaningful choice for a tattoo.

4. Valar Morghulis Tattoo
A phrase that translates to “All men must die” in High Valyrian is what this entails, it is therefore a very popular game of thrones tattoo choice amongst fans who find deeper meanings within the series’ storylines.

5. House Lannister Lion Tattoo
House Lannister’s lion symbolizes power and wealth known for them, thus making it an ideal piece on a tattoo game of thrones demonstrating that royalty exists somewhere in everything life related.

6. Three-Eyed Raven Tattoo
For those who enjoy Bran Stark from the series and prefer its mystical elements, this game of thrones dragon patterned tattoo does exactly what it says about wisdom and foresight.

7. Arya Stark Needle Tattoo
Needle, the sword carried by Arya Stark, symbolizes her paths and independence in life. Thus, a tattoos game of thrones with an Arya needle may signify they are strong individuals who know how to survive.

8. House Tully Fish Tattoo
A tattoo representing the fish of House Tully would be an interesting tattoo design idea for any Game of Thrones tattoo enthusiasts who relate to family values and loyalty among their clans.
9. The Night King Tattoo
Death and darkness are portrayed through the Night King’s character. Tattoos featuring his face or icy blue eyes would make chilling but impressive artworks for any Game of Thrones fan.

10. Jon Snow Sword Tattoo
Longclaw is Jon Snow’s sword that symbolizes honor and bravery as such this Game of Thrones tattoo should not be missed by fans of the real King in Northern parts.

11. Mother of Dragons Quote Tattoo
Daenerys Targaryen has been characterized by strong quotes. Therefore, a game of thrones tattoo with “Mother of Dragons” on it can become a complete representation on one’s body.
12. House Greyjoy Kraken Tattoo
The kraken is a symbol of House Greyjoy representing revolt and strength. It is possible to get a tattoo representing a kraken with game of thrones as design for tattoos.

13. Tyrion Lannister Quote Tattoo
Tyrion wise quotes are just right for small game of thrones tattoo designs. His wisdom finds home among his fans thus making it ideal for such works.

14. House Baratheon Stag Tattoo
The stag represents leadership and resilience. A game of thrones tattoo dragon design featuring a stag can symbolize power and dignity.

15. The Hound’s Helm Tattoo
The Hound’s helm frequently appears in unique game of thrones tattoos which denote survival, strength and complexity.

16. Melisandre’s Necklace Tattoo
The Red Woman wears this necklace that shows her magic skills with power! Magical motifs incorporated into a tattoo would suit every fan in love with such themes
17. White Walker Tattoo
A White Walker is known for being mysterious and there is an underlying fear when it comes to regarding his identity.

18. House Martell Sun and Spear Tattoo
Fiery passion and revenge are expressed through the sun and spear of House Martell. This tattoo sleeve design from game of thrones is both attractive yet strong.

19. Faceless Men Mask Tattoo
Mysterious assassins comprise the Faceless men’s fraternity. In terms of identity and change, their mask art represents G.O.T tattoos.
20. Fire and Ice Tattoo
In terms of the great battle between life and death which comprises fire produced by dragons or ice from White Walkers respectively, it could symbolize something like game of thrones’ tattoo that merges fire with ice.
The Game Of Thrones tattoos on skins encompass much deeper meanings about characters in different series as well as its major themes behind them.
Whatever kind you want be it small or massive full sleeve make sure that your chosen design has some significance to you especially if they were indeed memorable snippets within this show.
As said before: “When you play the game of thrones, you either win or die”; therefore selecting the right kind ensures victory.