How to Make Your Old Tattoo Look Good and Shiny Again
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Tattoos have gained immense popularity, tattoos are not just a kind of body art, but people have started associating them with their personalities. More often than not, people get tattoos done so that they can reveal their true self to the public. Sometimes people get a tattoo to show their support for a particular cause or organization, sometimes they do it for their loved ones to tell them how much they love them, and there are people who love getting tattoos on their body to flaunt their funky side, whatever the reason. Tattoos are widely popular and people love getting them.
But do you know that your tattoo do age???
Yes, they do…….
Believe it or not, the age of your old tattoo matters a lot. As we grow old, same ways our tattoos also grow old. Of course, over a period of time the ink starts spreading underneath the skin, blurring once-straight and bold outlines, thereby making them blend together. Colors of tattoos begin to fade, lose their vibrancy, and start appearing like a blob. And this could be because of the ink of your tattoo, which is likely to break down with time. For instance, tattoos in red and yellow colors are prone to quick fading, whereas shades like black and dark blue stay for relatively longer period.
Besides, our environment, particularly the sun affects tattoos adversely, it can damage and fade tattoos prematurely. However, one can use sunblock lotions in order to extend the life of the tattoo but if at all your tattoo is damaged, it seems nearly impossible to fix it.
But, there is a solution! If your tattoo has also started fading or if you are looking for ways to make your old tattoo look appealing again, then this post is for you. Read it till the end, and what all you can do to make your old tattoo look good once again.
How to Make Old Tattoo Shiny!!
Here we go…..
1.Exfoliating Gel to Refresh Your Old Tattoo
To make your old tattoo look good again you can use exfoliating gel, such as Aftershock Exfoliating Gel. This exfoliating gel is made from natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids that are derived from grapes, lemons, passion fruit and pineapple. AfterShock Exfoliating Gel with Alpha Hydroxy Acids will gently remove old, dull, dead skin cells that grow naturally over your tattoo.
It can be applied over well healed tattoo site, it will not only give your skin a healthy glow, but also it will rejuvenate your tattoo. This exfoliating gel is an amazing ink rejuvenator that works wonderfully on an aging tattoo.
How to use:
Well, in order to make your old tattoo look you have to use this exfoliating gel generously and of course, very carefully. All you have to do is apply it on your old tattoo and leave it for 10 – 15 minutes and let the natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids do their job on the top dead layers of dead skin.
Use on your well-healed tattoo skin to rejuvenate and brighten your ink. It can even be used 48 hours before getting a tattoo to gently prepare the skin for a tattoo. It has immediate results; however, to get best benefits it is recommended to use it twice a week. Routine use will promote age-defying skin.
2.Tattoo Touch-Ups
Then there are tattoo touch-ups done at tattoo studios. After a certain age, you won’t be able to maintain the same spark of your tattoo as it was initially. This is the time when even exfoliating gels do not do any good. In such a situation the only option you are left with is – tattoo touch-ups. For that you need to contact a skilled tattoo artist who do touch ups and color rejuvenation to bring your old tattoo to life. In tattoo touch-ups tattoo artists enhance your faded tattoo by simply adding some details into the faded design.
More often than not, if you get a tattoo touch-up from the same tattoo artist who you got your tattoo etched from do not charge for their own work. But if you will get the touch-up done from some other tattoo artists you will have to pay for it.
3.Color Rejuvenations
Like tattoo touch-ups, you can even get color rejuvenation. As said earlier, color tattoos start to fade first. And when the color starts to fade, they look ugly so the only option you are left with is – tattoo recoloring. Recoloring faded tattoos make them look vibrant again. Besides, it’s a great opportunity to fix or repair any errors or parts of your design that you were always disappointed with.
4.Cover-Up Tattoos
Cover-up tattoos, as the name says, are the tattoos which are used to cover your ugly-looking tattoo or unwanted tattoo or the faded tattoo design. You can opt for a cover up tattoo if you are not happy with the existing one or if your existing tattoo is fading. In this procedure, your previous and unwanted tattoo is replaced with a new one.
To get a cover-up tattoo – all you need to do is get an idea about the design which you can extend to cover your existing tattoo and schedule an appointment with your tattoo artist. The tattooist will further guide you exactly how to go ahead. Also, make sure you finalize a nice design this time, because the choice of a design to cover your old tattoo will make a remarkable difference. So be wise, while you choose your design!
An experienced tattoo artist can even redesign your old tattoo by simply adding to the current design and embellishment to it. Cover-up tattoos demand for real creativity, real art of crafting a unique and an extraordinary piece out of the old one.
In cover-ups, tattoo artist draw plenty of interesting patterns around the unattractive areas of your old tattoo. So that a perfect tattoo design can be created around the old one. Also, lighter shades are used to neutralize the skin that showcases only cover-up tattoos imprinted on the skin.
Therefore, it is crucial that you get a cover-up tattoo from only an experienced tattoo artist. Otherwise, you may end up having an ugly looking tattoo, which is not wise!
5.Tattoo Lightening and Removal
Last but not least, tattoo lightening and removal is another way to get rid of your old faded tattoo. However, it is an expensive and quite painful process. More often than not, old tattoos are needed to be lightened or removed completely in order to create a new, awesome cover-up.
Usually, it is tough for an artist to cover up the darker outlines and block coloring and this is when they either want to remove it or lighten it. It takes about three sessions for a tattoo lightening procedure. After the lightning session your old tattoo is ready for a cover-up. And if you want to get rid of your old design completely you can get it removed with laser tattoo removal treatment.
To pan out…..
Well, these are the techniques you can use to make your old tattoo look good once again. Besides, you should always take very good care of your tattoo so that you can extend its life. For instance, keeping your tattoo moisturized will help extend its life, even protecting it from sun is also a great way to have your tattoos extended life. So, invest in good tattoo aftercare lotions and creams!
Happy Tattooing…… ☺ ☺