The Beauty of Freehand Tattoo & How to Create it
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The art of freehand tattoo is constantly evolving and every day offers lovers to decorate their bodies with more and more original and interesting styles. One of them is freehand. In this article, we are going to talk about what this style is and will dive into the process of creating a tattoo together with the artist.
What is Freehand Tattoo Style?
As you know, there are two main approaches in the work of a tattoo artist: the first is based on working with a transfer image on the skin, which is done with a special transfer cream or gel. The sketch is prepared in advance on paper or on a tablet, and its contour version is transferred to the skin. This is the classic and most common way to work with the skin.
The second method is freehand. Freehand is a tattooing technique in which the artist draws a sketch directly on the client’s skin, without the use of stencils or preliminary drawings. The freehand tattoo art was born as a result of artists’ desire to create unique, individual, and inimitable images on the skin, which cannot be matched with analogs.
Also, we should tell about so called “super-freehand”. It is followed only by the most experienced tattooists and their clients, who are fully confident in the qualifications and experience of the master. Markers and other tools are not used, the work is carried out immediately on clean skin, since the artist “sees” the image on the body. These cases are isolated, and the masters working in such a technique, as a rule, have their own author’s style.
Based on the above, the conclusion suggests itself that freehand is not a style direction, but a technique. With its help, you can make tattoos in almost all genres, up to realism.
The main advantage of the freehand tattoo is the absolute uniqueness and uniqueness of the figure. The artist emphasizes the client’s individuality, focusing on his anatomical features and desires. In addition, freehand allows you to get a more natural and organic result, because the picture looks as if it has always been a part of the body. It is worth mentioning, however, that this type of tattoo requires a highly qualified master and the trust of the client.
And the biggest disadvantage is the high proportion of risk that the final result may not meet expectations. The client doesn’t see the sketch in advance, so he doesn’t have the opportunity to think about it. Freehand is a joint creative flight of the client and the master, you need to be ready for a dialogue during the session, for possible edits, it is important that both people are on the same wavelength. Not to mention the risk of getting to an inexperienced master who will not be able to implement such work with proper quality.
Also, usually, such sessions last longer, as the artist needs time to draw a sketch on the skin.
When a Freehand Tattoo is appropriate and who is suitable for this style?
Freehand tattoo is suitable for those who want to have a unique and individual decoration on their body, as well as for those who appreciate the creative approach of the master and are willing to trust his taste and experience.
Process of creation
Freehand is always exciting to draw, it doesn’t matter that you did it 10 or 100 times before. Because it’s always something new and you have to improvise. Small rules that many expert tattoo artist advise you to follow if you decide to go freehand tattoo:
The master begins by marking the skin, drawing on it with a special marker with sterile ink inside.
- Be careful with the choice of placement and size for a tattoo. Sometimes you are not satisfied with the first time and you have to redraw it again and again until you find the right shape. It is also important to take into account the anatomical features of your “canvas” so that the tattoo as a whole looks harmonious. In this case, we emphasized the feminine shoulder line, the thin bone of the collarbone, unobtrusively hinted at a beautiful chest.
- Use markers of different colors if your image is complex. First, draw the general shape, then refine the details with a different color. Here red marker is only used because the sketch is clean and simple.
- Just take your time and relax in the creative process 🙂 You can use any photos and any auxiliary materials that will help to achieve the best result.
The second step is selecting the size and curves of the leaves so that they anatomically emphasize the beauty of the client’s shoulders.
After agreeing with the client on the final version of the sketch, the artist proceeds to work with the needles. The work is very fine and is done with a 1RL needle (the thinnest configuration). In the process, actively use your imagination to arrange light and shadow.
And finally, we can take a look at the result.
So, the freehand style is about uniqueness, individuality, and creativity. If you are ready to trust an artist and want to decorate your body with an original and unique pattern, turn to professionals. Rest assured, the result will not disappoint you!
Author’s Bio:
Meet Daria Iatskevich (@birdy.ink on Instagram), a young tattoo artist from St. Petersburg, who will tell us more about the process of creating one of her freehand projects. Daria is known for her delicate and subtle works, created using vip shading technique and the finest needles. Her tattoos are popular not only in Russia but also in Europe. As an example of Daria’s work, consider the classic twig on a girl’s collarbone.